PTCAD User Guide
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  • Create Date ธันวาคม 7, 2024
  • Last Updated ธันวาคม 7, 2024

PTCAD 2024 User Guide

Using PTCAD is part of an integrated documentation set that includes
this manual and a comprehensive collection of help resources to give you
the information you need to create drawings in PTCAD®

Topics in this chapter
About PTCAD and other CAD software............................................................ 3
Comparing PTCAD and CAD to manual drafting ....................................... 5
Using advanced CAD features............................................................................ 12
Getting more information .................................................................................... 13
New in PTCAD 2024...........................................................................................14

This manual is organized into chapters that parallel how you work in PTCAD,
according to the tasks you might perform. The tasks are divided and organized into
the following work-focused chapters:

Introduction: Chapter 1 An overview of the key features of PTCAD plus basic concepts of computer-aided design (CAD) as they apply to PTCAD.
Getting started: Chapter 2 Installing PTCAD, starting and exiting PTCAD,working
with toolbars, and selecting commands.
Working with drawings: Chapter 3 Opening and saving an existing drawing and starting a new drawing. Using drawing settings to establish paper size, scale factors, and
text height. Working with colors in your drawings. Using drawing aids such as entity
snaps and orthogonal mode to draw accurately.
Creating entities: Chapters 4–5 Working with simple entities such as lines, circles, and
arcs and with complex entities such as polygons, spline curves, planes, wipeouts,
boundary hatches, and more.
Viewing your drawing: Chapter 6 Moving around in the drawing, changing its magnification, creating multiple views, and saving arrangements of windows of the drawing.
Working with coordinates: Chapter 7 Working with Cartesian coordinate systems,
specifying two-dimensional and three-dimensional coordinates, and defining your
own user coordinate systems.
Working with the Explorer: Chapter 8 Using PTCAD’s Explorer to manage your
drawings: controlling layers, layer states, linetypes, multiline styles, text styles, table
styles, dimension styles, multileader styles, coordinate systems, views, visual styles,
layouts, materials, groups, external references, and blocks and copying information
between drawings.
Getting drawing information: Chapter 9 Working with the additional information in
PTCAD drawings, calculating areas and distances, and displaying other drawing
Modifying entities: Chapter 10 Selecting, copying, rearranging, resizing, and editing
Annotating and dimensioning your drawing: Chapters 11–12 Using text to annotate
drawings; using dimensions to annotate the measurement of entities.
Working with blocks, attributes, and external references: Chapter 13 Using blocks and
external references to combine entities and data for reuse; creating attribute information to extract for use in other programs.
Formatting and printing drawings: Chapter 14 Combining drawings into finished layouts, customizing print options, printing copies, and also publishing mutliple drawings at a single time using sheet sets and sheet lists.
Drawing in three dimensions: Chapter 15 Viewing, creating, and editing three-dimensional entities. And visualizing them using hidden line removal, shading, and photorealistic rende

Working with other programs: Chapter 16 Sharing drawings and data with other users,
documents, and programs.
Customizing PTCAD: Chapter 17 Customizing the appearance and operation of the
program to suit your needs.
Understanding AutoCAD compatibility: Appendix Describes similarities and differences between PTCAD and AutoCAD.
This section introduces you to PTCAD®, its features, and its comprehensive capabilities for creating drawings of various types.